Chocolate Fudge – the healthy kind


Chocolate Fudge – the healthy kind

So by now I am sure you have guessed that I have quite the sweet tooth… I’m not going to lie, I love my desserts! For years I have loved (and felt incredibly guilty after eating too much) chocolate fudge! I’ve been on a mission for quite some time to develop a healthy, yet absolutely mouth watering version of this delectable treat.

That time has finally come! I re-created a ‘healthy chocolate’ recipe from ‘Good Chef, Bad Chef’ yesterday, and with a few adjustments made here and there, I honestly couldn’t believe how incredibly easy and delicious it turned out to be! This recipe doesn’t even require a food processor, just good old fashioned mixing with a wooden spoon and 20 minutes to set in the freezer. That’s it! If you’re a chocolate or fudge fan, I encourage you to give this recipe a go – honestly, I think it is delicious.

Ingredients:  (Gluten, wheat, dairy and refined sugar free + vegan and vegetarian friendly)

¾ cup organic cacao powder

1 cup coconut oil (melted)

¼ cup ABC (almond, brazil nuts and cashew) spread – found in the health food isle of the supermarket or health food stores… or even better, make your own!

¼ cup agave nectar (can use organic raw honey instead, obviously won’t be vegan friendly if you make this switch)

7/8 cup almond meal (not quite one cup)

3/4 cup quinoa flour

1 tsp organic vanilla essence

1 tsp cinnamon


1. Add the dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl

2. Add wet ingredients to the same mixing bowl

3. Mix ingredients together

4. Add the mixture into a lined (I used baking paper) slice dish

5. Place the chocolate fudge into the freezer for 20 minutes

6. Remove from freezer, chop into portion controlled pieces

7. Store in fridge or freezer

Note: As coconut oil contains a saturated, medium chain fatty acid it will melt at room/warm temperatures – so if slice is left out, the fudge will melt, so this treat is best stored in the fridge or freezer.

So there you have it, an incredibly delicious and healthy (when eaten in moderation of course!) alternative to traditional chocolate fudge. Enjoy!

Organic wholefoods: The natural liver detox


Organic wholefoods: The natural liver detox

Are you feeling tired, sluggish or just plain cranky? Could your skin be clearer? Did you indulge in just a bit too much alcohol or processed foods over the weekend?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions… it is probably time you gave your good old friend the ‘liver’ a helping hand.

Don’t worry… this isn’t another article promoting a week long juicing fast to ‘lose 7 kilos in 7 days’, this is a sustainable lifestyle plan to help you to incorporate more natural liver cleansing wholefoods into your diet.

Our livers main function is to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which, given the right support, has the ability to keep the body clear of the junk which can cause illness. The primary way our bodies get rid of toxins is via the liver, which naturally detoxifies and cleanses your body by continuously filtering the blood of ‘toxins’ that enter it through the food we eat or drink, what we put on our skin or what our skin is exposed to, and the air that we breathe.

When our liver becomes overwhelmed as a result of stress or excessive exposure to ‘toxins’ our entire system can be thrown off balance and our health negatively affected.

Here is a practical and safe way to assist the body’s natural detoxification system to continue to work efficiently… and that’s by simply adding more of the ‘10 organic wholefoods’ described below, into your diet, for a healthy, sustainable liver-friendly lifestyle.

1. Garlic

Garlic contains several compounds that activate the liver enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. Garlic also contains powerful nutrients proven to help protect the liver from toxic damage and aid in the detoxification process.

Tip: try adding garlic (or more) to your cooking such as stir-frys, roasted veggies and fish.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin c and several other antioxidants that assist in cleansing the liver. Like garlic, grapefruit contains compounds that boost the production of enzymes that assist the liver in its natural detoxification process.

Tip: why not try a grapefruit for breakfast tomorrow? (I find that ruby grapefruit are naturally sweeter and easier to eat if you are not used to the more sour taste of regular grapefruit).

3. Lemon

The juice of half a lemon in warm water first thing in the morning is the perfect way to start the day and is an excellent wake up call for the liver. The sourness of lemons triggers nerve and hormone activation to the liver and digestive system. This powerful liver tonic is also very helpful for those who suffer from sluggish bowels, and has an alkalising effect internally (the body requires an alkaline environment to function efficiently, fast food and alcohol are just some of the determinants that create an unfavourable, acid environment related to many lifestyle diseases of today).

Plus – lemon not only acts as to cleanse the liver, but the gallbladder, digestive tract, kidneys and lungs as well!

4. Fluids 

Drinking enough fluids such as water and herbal tea (green tea or dandelion tea is a great option) improves the flow of nutrients to, and waste products from, the liver. Not drinking enough may increase the risk of gallstones, which is when bile becomes too concentrated in the gall bladder.

Green tea is loaded with plant antioxidants that have been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and help to promote proper liver function.

Dandelion tea contains antioxidants, purifies the blood and herbal practitioners have been recommending it to those with liver complaints for years.

Tip: try to drink enough water every day to keep you hydrated (pale yellow to clear urine is a good indication that you are well hydrated, while dark yellow urine indicates dehydration).

Tip: why not try to include 1 cup of herbal tea into your daily routine?

5. Leafy Greens 

Leafy greens such as spinach, mustard greens, chicory and arugula contain several cleansing compounds that neutralise heavy metals, which can cause great strain on the liver. Leafy greens also help to eliminate pesticides and herbicides from the body and stimulate the production of bile (break-down and cleansing agent in the body)

Tip: why not try adding spinach leaves to a smoothie, your favourite salad or toasted sandwich?

6. Avocado

High in the glutathione-producing compounds, avocados actively promote liver health by protecting it against toxic overload and boosting its cleansing power. Some research reports that eating 1-2 avocados per week for only 1 month can assist in repairing a damaged liver.

Tip: try adding avocado to toast, salad or dessert (yes, chocolate mousse can be made from avocado!)

7. Walnuts

Walnuts, which are high in certain types of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and omega 3 fatty acids (eye, brain and cardiovascular health) assist in detoxifying the liver of disease-causing ammonia.

Tip: why not try adding walnuts to your favourite salad or simply try snacking on them during morning or afternoon tea?

8. Tumeric

Tumeric has anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body and is one of the most powerful foods for maintaining a healthy liver. Recent research reports that turmeric actively protects the liver against toxic damage and can even assist in regenerating damaged liver cells.

Tip: why not try adding turmeric to your favourite curry, quiche, salad, soup or smoothie? 

9. Raw beetroot 

Raw beetroot contains a chemical called betaine that stimulates the liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts.

Tip: why not grate some raw organic beetroot into your salad or add it to your favourite fresh juice?

10. Carrots

Carrots are naturally high in antioxidants, they help regulate blood-sugar levels, while reducing inflammation in the body, an excellent food to assist the liver in its natural detoxification process.

Tip: why not try grating carrot into your salad, spaghetti bolognese sauce, quiche, or adding it to your favourite juice?

So, once you start to incorporate some of these natural liver cleansing organic wholefoods into your diet (while taking it easy on the alcohol and processed foods of course!) you will be well on your way to a naturally healthy and liver-friendly life.


Whitney E, Rolfes SR, Crowe T, Cameron-Smith D, Walsh A. 2011. Understanding Nutrition: Australian and New Zealand Edition. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia.,11285,11353